Travel Information

Panda Travel counselors are professionally trained, with many years of varied experience in planning travel. All of our counselors work on every aspect of travel, although they may each have their own specialties.

OWNERS AND MANAGERS - Joel and Carillon Torgerson

      Joel Torgerson has been a small-business owner for 44 years beginning with a publishing firm in Minnesota. His educational background in economics and business enabled him to establish Panda Travel on a firm financial footing and keep it abreast of major technological advances in the industry. He administers all the financial aspects of the business, as well as marketing and personnel management.

      Carillon Torgerson has worked alongside Joel in the operational and sales departments of the family businesses. As manager of Panda Travel, she has 32 years experience in the travel business. Carillon and Joel have traveled extensively throughout the United States, as well as Europe, the Caribbean, Hawaii, Mexico and Canada. She also handles the firm's business travel accounts, and is a cruise and groups specialist.

SENIOR AGENT - Janis Anderson

      Janis Anderson worked for Eastern Airlines in illinois for 13 years, from 1968 until 1981, planning trips and handling reservations of all kinds. She has been employed by Panda Travel since 1985. Jan has travled the Caribbean, Hawaii and Europe, and has a broad knowledge of all aspects of travel. She especially enjoys researching and helping her clients to find just the right vacation for them.


      Shawnee Schwartz - Though now retired from her full-time teaching job, Shawnee continues to help her many clients with cruises and trips to many exotic locales, such as Russia and the Antarctica, as well as trips to Israel and throughout Europe. Shawnee herself has visited all these countries, and is a valuable resource for Panda Travel, as well.

      Kelley Krauch - Kelley is a Princess Cruises expert, and enjoys researching cruises and trips for her clients.  She has worked in administrative positions for Chase Bank and other businesses, and also does accounting for her husband Tom's security business.  Kelley and Tom have taken many cruises.